Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred

The Sweet Gum Tree
Heartfelt, gut wrenching and beautiful. I swear, I could stop with the review there, but that's no fun. I NEEEDDDD to talk about this book and get it out of my system!
At least one book friend tried to give me a warning before I started:
Me: Just finished The Devil's Metal by Karina Halle. Review and epic playlist to come tomorrow. Then on to reading The Sweet Gum Tree
Kaitlin: SGT is phenomenal! Get the tissues ready.
Was I worried from this warning? Nooo....nothing makes me cry, I am one tough cookie, but I'll be damned if this didn't bring me to near tears! I know there were a few there, I just didn't let them slip over the edge, lol. It all comes with practice ....just tell yourself you aren't gonna cry, take a few deeps breaths, even take a break if you have to and then they don't slip out. However, holding in the tears can bring major gut wrenching pain. I swear, crying may have been the easy way out...maybe I just need to cry now and get it over with, lol maybe then I can feel better.
After jumping in and thinking I would be all fine and dandy I come to a stopping point where I could take no more. I may have even posted a threatening message, lol:

Me: Currently reading The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred....if you read this and didn't warn me you are in big trouble! lol There is no preparing for this book, it is filled with so many emotions I dont even know how I'm feeling right now. ...
I took a break to take a shower and I was like damnit Melissa, wash faster!! All I can think about is finishing, yet my heart is lucky you have a book friend like me and have been warned to have your emotions in check before you start lol
Mimi: Oh no! I have been wanting to read this. But, I was wondering if it was going to be one of "those" kind of books. I can only handle so much
Me: I'm at halfway and I swear, I've been broken at least 3 times already. But it's still beautiful, so worth the pain, lol
Bianca: I love love LOVED this book!!! I laughed , cried, yelled and looked like a frantic mad women in the days it took to read this one. Amazing story
Kaitlin: One of the best books I've read this year. Loved it. Anyone who hasn't read it definitely should! Don't be afraid of the pain. Lol
This book is beautifully well written. It's passionate, but not steamy passionate. We start to build our relationship with the characters when they are 8 and 10. This is what helps to build that passion, that need and that want. They grow to love each other as kids, but deny themselves to each other until way into adulthood. So it's a slow growing need and want.  My absolute favorite thing of this book is that we pretty much grow up with the characters. We get to grow and bond with them and face a lot of challenges with them such as middle school bullies, puberty, hormones, parties and adulthood.

It's so warm and fuzzy and sweet and passionate. I don't know how anyone can pass this book up. It's wayyyy bargain priced at $1.49 and draws the reader in like a moth to a light.

4.5 stars!

Normally I would post pictures of how I see the characters. It's hard for me to do on this book because we go through so many stages of their life I see Alix and Nick as kids, but I also see them as teens and adults because I loved all the stages of the book. The only person whose image remained the same to me was The Judge, and I know ya'll don't want to see a picture of an old man, lol.

Final thought...being a southern girl myself, you know I LOVED the fact that this book takes place in the south. I'm all about home and this one took me there.

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